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Wednesday 22 April 2015

Handful of leafy greens

Fenugreek is one such green leafy vegetable that does not take up much space and can be grown easily even in pots along with other plants. At the onset of winters I would sow its seeds in ground. It always grew but with thin stems and small leaves. The reason being absence of direct sunlight. So last year I experimented by sowing the seeds in the beginning of March when the sun’s rays finally started reaching the ground. Since the temperature was optimum for its growth and it was receiving direct sunlight as a result I had healthy, lush green Fenugreek growing for a pretty long time. So this year too I repeated the same thing. These healthy and green little plants have gone wild.

  Botanical name : Trigonella foenum-graecum
  Family : Fabaceae

Want to make them germinate quickly? Soak the seeds in water overnight before sowing. Or take the help of rains like I did. Keep a watch at the sky and sow them a day before it rains. Spread the seeds evenly and cover well with soil. If it rains the whole day, see the sprouts next morning.

A few have started bearing flowers typical to the subfamily of legumes it belongs to that is Faboideae or Papilionoideae One large posterior petal called standard, two lateral petals called wings and two anterior petals fused to form a boat shaped structure called keel which encloses stamens and carpel.

Fruits called pods can also be seen on some.

Another member of the same genus, Kasuri  Methi, however, was planted when the winters set in last year. Kasuri  methi  or Cultivated Fenugreek has broader leaves than Methi(Fenugreek). Its dried and crushed leaves are commonly used in cooking.  A bundle of fresh Kasuri Methi that we bought had plants that had been pulled out from the soil along with their roots. After plucking off all the leaves a few buds remained on the stems close to the base. Since their roots were intact, I planted them in two pots that received maximum sunlight. Since then the leaves have been plucked a couple of times for making methi parathas, served hot with pickle on cold winter mornings. 

Its flowers too are papilionaceous like Fenugreek. However, they are smaller, borne in clusters and yellow in colour. 

              Botanical name : Trigonella corniculata
              Family : Fabaceae

Seed bearing pods are slightly bent and hang in bunches.

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